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Green Vibrance                                            DUE TO RISING PRICES AND COMPETITION BY LARGER
                                                                         STORES THIS PRODUCT IS NO LONGER OFFERED.  IT IS A
                                                                         GOOD PRODUCT.  THAT IS WHY IT IS STILL LISTED HERE.

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Parasite Cleansing

Green Vibrance®
The Greatest Food on Earth
The #1 Green Food in the Country!
Nutritional Powerhouse
Loaded with trace nutrients
Supports healthy digestion*
Supports immunity and circulation*
Fortifies your body against stress*
Builds energy & endurance through nutrition*
Best tasting powdered green food
Has led the way since 1992
The others are still far behind
Green Vibrance sets the standard

Green Vibrance
Our vitality is the sum total of the health of each cell of the body. In order to achieve optimal health, the immune system must be strong, and a robust gastro-intestinal tract must draw in a complete selection of healthful nutrients. Those nutrients must in turn be delivered to all the cells of the body, even those at the very edge of your fingers and toes.

Green Vibrance is a concentrated superfood with a purpose:
Our internal biochemistries are nearly identical to that of our hunter-gatherer ancestors. On each side of random periods of starvation, they enjoyed wild meats, fruits, seeds, plant flowers, leaves and stems. The animals they hunted were wild, and the plants they ate grew from virgin soil. The foods our ancestors gathered in the wild, and consumed usually presented far greater nutrient density than foods we eat today. Nutrient density refers to the ratio of trace nutrients (i.e. vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, etc.) to macro-nutrients (protein, fat and carbohydrate.) Relative to the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrate in the foods they ate, our ancestors commonly received far greater amounts of trace nutrients. Human biochemistry adapted to that ancient food supply with its greater nutrient density, and it is largely that same biochemistry that attempts to run us today.

Our modern food supply has, over the last 60 years, finally achieved the goal of delivering enough macro-nutrients, especially protein, to allow humans to achieve their full, genetically coded stature. We are now, finally, on average, as tall as Cro-Magnon man and woman. In fact, the foods of today certainly supply more fat and carbohydrate than our hunter-gatherer ancestors had to contend with. But today something is missing. Indeed, statistics compiled by the U.S. Department of Agriculture verify a precipitous drop in nutrient density within our common food supply in just the last forty years. The loss
of trace nutrients is so great as to remove any argument that dietary supplementation may be optional.

Green food supplements, if properly formulated, can provide astounding nutrient density. They can, in effect, return our dietary intake to something more closely approximating the richness of our ancestral, Paleolithic diet.

To make you healthier and stronger. Green Vibrance feeds each cell what it needs to run at peak efficiency, and then helps each nutrient get where it needs to go.

Green Vibrance:
Rehabilitates and maintains a healthy digestive tract, thereby improving nutrient absorption;
Delivers a host of trace nutrients that may be absent or deficient in modern diets;
Supports efficient circulation in order to deliver those nutrients to every cell of the body;*
Supports a vigorous and efficient immune system to ward off disease.*
Nutrient Density
Green Vibrance uses specially selected certified organic, wild harvested and wild crafted concentrated foods to support and improve these basic four bodily functions essential to life. Five organic cereal grass juices alone deliver virtually all known nutrients and several “growth factors” that cause the young to grow larger and stronger Alfalfa sprouts, broccoli sprouts, carrot, spinach, parsley, zucchini, green bean, spirulina, chlorella, stabilized rice bran and Hydrilla verticillata enrich nutrient density and diversity of Green Vibrance.*

The Probiotics
Our industry-leading 25 billion probiotics per serving at date of manufacture improves digestion, the one system that must function well if health is to be maintained Probiotics in Green Vibrance break down proteins for easy assimilation, help transport minerals across the intestinal mucosa and synthesize several B-vitamins. They simultaneously create an unfriendly (acidic) environment for unfriendly bacteria and yeast, reducing the size of their colonies. Probiotics are supported by fructo-oligosaccharides and Fiber-Aid™ arabinogalactans. Each of these prebiotics helps expand the colonies of beneficial probiotics.*

Supporting Cast
Chlorophyll from the green foods supports intestinal and liver health, improves oxygen delivery by the blood, supports elimination of certain toxins and heavy metals, and offers additional protection in other ways*. Fiber from organic whole apple helps remove heavy metals. Lecithin helps maintain the structure of every cell membrane, provides neurotransmitters and, along with policosanol, supports healthy cholesterol levels and nerve function. Our patented Phytoboron helps assure bone and joint health, and helps normalize primary hormonal levels in men and women.*
Antioxidants can slow aging by combating free radical damage. Each serving of Green Vibrance delivers a powerful 120 mg. of herbal antioxidants in addition to the beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E and other antioxidants naturally present in other ingredients. Ginkgo biloba, grape seed and Silymarin (milk thistle) extracts, all potent antioxidants, also improve peripheral circulation.

To strengthen immunity, Green Vibrance combines Beta-glucans, ImmunEnhancer™ arabinogalactans, astragalus extract, and Chloramphenicol free royal jelly with a healthy digestive tract and well-fed cells supported by an army of antioxidants.*

The Benefits
The Green Vibrance formula was designed and balanced to help establish good health.
Its sixty ingredients were chosen carefully to support:
More complete nutrition; a host of scarce nutrients
Healthy digestion and gastrointestinal function
Healthy circulation
A stronger skeleton
Energy production
Efficient clearance of waste products of metabolism; detoxification
Neurological health
Cardiovascular function and health
Supports healthy sugar levels already within the normal range
Strengthened immunity
Antioxidant protection, to reduce biochemical events associated with aging
And some consumers swear they look younger*

Who Can Use Green Vibrance?
In a word: EVERYONE!
Anyone pursuing health (helps maintain health by ensuring essestial nutrition)
The ill (provides essential nutrition necessary for the restoration of health)
Menopausal and post-menopausal women
Athletes (to support strength, endurance, and to supply anti-oxidant protection)
Businessmen and housewives (combats stress)
Children (fuels growth & learning)
Seniors (combats effects of aging; maintains cellular vitality)*

Proper Care
Green Vibrance contains more friendly probiotics than any other superfood. Store Green Vibrance in your freezer (best) or refrigerator (good) after opening. Each 11.5 grams in powder, packet or capsules, delivers 64 fine certified organic and concentrated foods and extracts. Each was selected and its potency coordinated with others to support Nutrition, Digestion, Circulation, Immunity, Detoxification, Neurological Health and Cardiovascular Health.*

Veggie Caps available for those who do not
like drinking the powder form or for ease for

Select from the
Green Vibrance Family of Products
15-Day Supply Powder
30-Day Supply Powder
15 Single Serving Packets

Green Vibrance Family of Products

Sale Price
Green Vibrance superfood, 12 oz. powder.
Green Vibrance 24 oz FAMILY size powder
Green Vibrance, 15 single servings pkts display
Green Vibrance, 240 vegicaps

Hypo Glycemic Vibrance, 250.3 gm POWDER
Type 2 Glycemic Vibrance POWDER, 219.4 gm.
Type 2 Glycemic Vibrance CAPSULES, 90s

Gigartina RMA, 250 mg, 90 Capsules
RMA (Red Marine Alga) Ointment, 1/4 oz.
RMA Ointment display, 12 pcs.
Hypo Glycemic Vibrance, 250.3 gm POWDER
Type 2 Glycemic Vibrance POWDER, 219.4 gm.
Type 2 Glycemic Vibrance CAPSULES, 90s
Vibrant Cleanse, 528 gm POWDER
Cholesterol Blocker, 60 chewable vanilla wafers
Curcuminoid-95+, 250 mg., 60 vegicaps
Maxim. Curcuminoids 1000, one gram, 60 Tab
Life Preserver multi antioxidant, 90 tablets
Rainbow Vibrance Hi ORAC Superfood, 177 gm.
Super Natural C, 120 mg/1600 ORAC, 60 caps
Tocotrienols, Oryza Oil, 35 mg., 60 SEG caps.
Field of Greens, Raw, Organic, K, 213 gm pdr
Great Vibes  whole food bar, 60 gm DISPLAY
Green Vibrance superfood, 12 oz. powder.
Green Vibrance 24 oz FAMILY size powder
Green Vibrance, 15 single servings pkts display
Green Vibrance, 240 vegicaps
GV Junior, 325.6 grams
Green Calcium, Hydrilla verticillata, 200 gram
Green Calcium, Hydrilla v. 1,000 mg. tabs., 60s
Peppermint Flatties whole food bar, 60 gm DISP
First Defense, antibacterial/viral,  60 tabs.
Flu Fighters, Probiotics/RMA/Immunolin, 70 caps
Joint Vibrance, 12 oz. powder
Joint Vibrance, 252 Tablets
Joint Vibrance 15 single serving packets display
A Man’s Zinc, 30 mg+200 mg phytosterols, 60 T
Krebs Cycle Zinc, 30 mg., 60 capsules
Phyto-Boron, 3 mg., 60 vegicaps
Phyto-Chromium, 200 mcg., 60 vegicaps
Phyto-Selenium, 100 mcg., 60 vegicaps
Wit's End (under development), XXs
Wit's End (under development), XXs
Cran-Max patented cranberry ext., 60 caps
U.T. Vibrance,  57.25 gram POWDER
U.T. Vibrance,  50 TABLETS, 1,145 mg each

None of what is recommend in this site is to be in leu of proper medical help.  We do not treat disease in any way.
 We are here to educate you and give you information on the alternative processes available to you so that you
can make informed decisions and take charge of your own health issues.  We do not accept any liability for the
advise and products we offer.  We are required to advise you that none of the information or products offered
on this site is accepted by the AMA nor the FDA.  Please be advised and always seek professional medical
advise when undertaking any suggestions in this site. Disclaimers and Policy

 ©2013 Blue Iris Sanctuary

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