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Understanding Purim
March 19-21, 2008
for the PrayerStorm
James W. Goll,
March 2008
1-877-200-1604 |
James Angelic Choir
James was praying for his wife
whom has cancer. She was in a very bad place at this time and during prayer he heard an angelic choir singing the following lyrics.
He shares it , as he believes
it is for everyone.
"This is the hour,
This is His way.
The release of His power,
to change the day.
Yes, this is the hour"
God Bless everyone
and stay strong
renew your faith
most of all
praise and worship
everything is going
to be alright
From the Desk of James W. Goll
Our PrayerStorm email this week, Understanding Purim, centers around an aspect of Praying for Israel by looking at one the historic times of Crisis Intervention through Intercession as recorded in the Book of Esther. This is not only a “prayer assignment” for this week, but is intended as a tool of preparation for us to enter into a time of prayer with fasting (I call this The Cry) during Purim each year. This year our special days of prayer will be next week on Wednesday – Friday, March 19 – 21, 2008.
In this critical hour, it is imperative that we learn to be effective intercessors aligned with God’s word, will, and ways for the days in which we live. It is all the more important that we pray for Israel is this hour as the turmoil in Gaza increases and tensions heighten in Syria and Iran.
Therefore, I want to commend my book, Praying for Israel’s Destiny, as a tool to help get us on the “same page” in our PrayerStorm efforts. My Prayers for Israel CD is also a very helpful tool to aid you in your intercessory times.
Remember our FREE audio MP3 messages available in our Resources section. They are very thorough and inspiring and you can pass them on to others around the globe FREE! Note the one called Chosen: A Watchman for Israel. Also be watching for our weekly PrayerStorm web cast, which will begin soon.
Thanks for your ongoing prayers for Michal Ann. She will have her third round of chemotherapy treatments this Wednesday and then scans scheduled sometime after that. The doctors have been very pleased with the results of her blood tests as the cancer markers have come down 25%. She is also on less oxygen now at home and beginning to do some exercise. Praise the Lord! Keep praying!
Remember this is the hour!
Dr. James W. Goll
Understanding Purim
The Origin and Description of Purim
The celebration of Purim originated out of the decrees of Mordecai and Queen Esther (Est. 9:29-32). It was a time when intervention arose through desperate acts of prayer and fasting led by Queen Esther to overturn the decree for the annihilation of the Jewish people inspired by Haman. Haman’s evil plot was revealed, the tables were turned and he was hung on his own gallows. The events took place historically roughly between 483 to 471 B. C.
According to the Jewish calendar, Purim is held in the month of Adar, which usually falls in February or March. Moses was born in Adar. It is also the month when the Jewish leader of the Maccabees defeated the Syrians and the month when the orders were given to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem preceding the reconstruction of the Temple and first return of the Jewish people to Israel. Redemptively, the period of time known as Adar has been a time when intervention comes out of crisis.
Although Purim was founded in biblical times, its observation is not commanded by God as are the holy convocations mentioned in Leviticus 23. But the Holy Spirit is prophetically calling believers today to participate in this special time of sacrifice in this generation.
Haman’s Lineage Exposed
King Ahasuerus unfortunately promoted a man who eventually became one of Israel’s all-time worst enemies. His name was Haman, and he is described as the “son of Hammedatha, the Agagite” (Est. 3:1).
Haman’s lineage is significant to the history of Purim. He was a descendant of Agag, who was a king of the Amalekites in the days of Saul and Samuel. Saul defeated Agag but disobeyed the Lord by allowing him to live. The prophet Samuel rebuked King Saul for his disobedience then “hewed Agag in pieces before the Lord” (1 Sam. 15:33).
Being an Amalekite, Agag was part of the group of people who were long-term enemies of Israel. Because of their treatment of the children of Israel in the days of Moses, God declared war on Amalek “from generation to generation” (Ex. 17:16). In Jewish teaching, Amalek is seen as the epitome of anti-Semitism.
Haman therefore had a heritage of enmity toward the Jewish people. As the book of Esther unfolds, we see how Haman was used to exhibit this generational hatred toward God’s Chosen People.
The problem is that this ancient, malevolent spirit has plagued our planet throughout the generations. It has no regard for human reason, logic, good intentions or mere religious pursuits. This dark spirit of anti-Semitism - or what may be called “the spirit of Haman” - is on the loose once again.
The Mordecai Anointing – A Quote from Exodus Cry Book
The Holy Spirit wants to inject the burden of the Lord for purposes of God among the Jewish people into the global prayer movement, like a nurse with a fully loaded needle. We need a potent injection of God’s heart into our heart! That is why God wants to raise up a Mordecai anointing to prepare Esther for a time of intervention. We need to know what Esther accomplished, but what was Mordecai’s task? What was his divine assignment?
Mordecai’s job was to raise up and prepare Esther for her hour of influence before the king. Mordecai raised Esther as his own daughter. He did not bow down or pay homage to Haman, who sought the destruction of the Jews, but only worshipped the one true God. He intercepted Haman’s scheme of the enemy and revealed it with wisdom to those in authority. He walked in prophetic counsel and instilled courage into Esther.
Esther, properly tutored and mentored by the counsel of Mordecai, seized the moment through prayer and fasting. Esther was anointed to intervene and stand in the gap, yet she had to walk in cooperation with the preparation of Mordecai, the spiritual authority God had placed in her life.
God chose to work through Mordecai to alert Esther to her destiny and timing of her intercessory acts on behalf of the Jews. God is looking for modern day Mordecais to prepare His people for such a time as this!
The Esther Mandate - 12 Scriptural Points
The following 12 points are taken from chapters 2 – 5 of the book of Esther.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Cry Continues to Arise!
Every year I am calling on Christians to sacrifice our time, our comfort and our agendas to undertake a three-day Esther Mandate Fast at Purim. This spiritual investment of the Worldwide Prayer Movement in the global body of Christ will not fail. It will bring about nothing less than “God’s will on earth as it is in heaven” for the Jewish people and the nation of Israel.
Join me and thousands of others as we seek the face of God once again as a bride prepared for her king. The days of the Purim Esther Mandate Fast – The Cry - are March 19 - 21, 2008.
A Prayer for Purim
Lord, I pray that the Holy Spirit will release revelation to the leadership of the body of Christ to be modern day Mordecais who help prepare Esther – the bride of Christ – for her task of standing in the gap for Israel and the Jewish people worldwide. Holy Spirit, I ask you to anoint the reading of the book of Esther this week and that “watchmen would be awakened worldwide” to their task of standing with Israel.
Join Me on the Walls of Intercession!
Dr. James W. Goll
Revival in the Church!
A. Remove Every Obstacle
Isaiah tells us we are to remove every obstacle out of the way of My people...(Is. 57:14) to clear the way and remove the stones (Is. 62:10). This must first be done before we can fulfill the next admonition to Build up (Is. 62:10) ... repair the breach ... [and] restore the streets (Is. 58:12).
B. Blockades that Must be Removed
1. Ps. 66:18 - If I regard wickedness in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.
2. Prov. 28:9 - He who turns his ear from listening to the law, even his prayer is an abomination.
3. Deut. 5:6-10 - I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, and on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing loving kindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
4. Prov. 15:8 - The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, but the prayer of the upright is His delight.
C. Confession Defined
1. From Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, “to speak the same thing, to assent, accord, agree with;” denotes either:
a. To confess, declare, admit - Jn. 1:20; Acts 24:14.
b. To confess by way of admitting oneself guilty of what one is accused of, the result of inward conviction - 1 Jn. 1:9.
c. To declare openly by way of speaking out freely, such confession being the effect of deep conviction of facts - Mt. 7:23; 10:32; Lk. 12:8.
2. From Webster’s Dictionary:
a. To tell or make known (as something wrong or damaging to oneself); to admit.
b. To acknowledge (sin) to God or to a priest.
c. To receive the confession of (a penitent).
d. To declare faith in or adherence to; to profess.
e. To give evidence of.
A. Daniel’s Example
1. Meditation on the Word. Daniel was pondering on the words of Jer. 29:10-14 (this is stated in Dan. 9:2). He apparently was convicted and enlightened by the Scripture. This possibly occurred in the 63rd year of their Babylonian captivity.
2. He did not respond presumptuously, but rather sought for the Spirit’s remedy so the promise could be fulfilled.
3. As he meditated on God’s prophetic desire, he realized there were blockades that must be removed before the promise would be fulfilled.
4. He laid aside self-justification (Lk. 18:12-13; the Pharisee and Publican syndrome).
5. He set his face to pray with humility (Dan. 9:3).
6. Daniel confessed their sin as his own (Dan. 9:4-17).
7. Then he pleaded with the Lord for mercy for His own name’s sake (Dan. 9:18-19).
B. Nehemiah’s Example
1. A report was brought to Nehemiah that saddened his heart. And they said to me, “The remnant there in the province who survived the captivity are in great distress and reproach, and the wall of Jerusalem is broken down and its gates are burned with fire.” (Neh. 1:3).
2. He then wept and mourned for days under this burden (Neh. 1:4).
3. This resulted in petitions beginning with respect and adoration (Neh. 1:5).
4. He then confessed the sin of the sons of Israel saying, “I and my father’s house have sinned. We have acted very corruptly against Thee... (Neh. 1:6b-7a).
5. Nehemiah then reminded God of His prophetic promise to Moses (Neh. 1:8-9).
6. He then made an appeal to God on the basis of His redemptive work which He has done (Neh. 1:10).
7. He also implored God for favor with the king and asked for success (Neh. 1:11).
C. Ezra’s Example
1. The princes approached Ezra with a report concerning the abomination of the people; the priests and the Levites were intermarrying with the people of the land (Ezra 9:1-2).
2. Ezra then tore his garment and robe, plucked some of his hair and beard, and sat down appalled (Ezra 9:3); those who trembled at the words of God joined Ezra in shock and humiliation (Ezra 9:4).
3. Ezra then arose from his humiliation (fasting), fell on his knees and hands, and began to cry out to the Lord (Ezra 9:5).
4. He names the sin as his own, as a priestly spokesman before God and states “their” iniquities, guilt, shame, and embarrassment (Ezra 9:6-7). Notice the complete absence of a self-righteous attitude.
5. He recalls God’s grace, faithfulness, and loving kindness; then acknowledges that God has requited them less than their iniquities deserve (Ezra 9:10-13).
6. He then speaks to the Lord concerning the importance of maintaining the remnant, and weeps bitterly with repentance before the house of God (Ezra 9:14-10:1).
7. Ezra calls the offenders forward over a three-day period to publicly repent (Ezra 10:5-8).
8. They are charged then with their sin and personal confession is made with a vow to do what is right (Ezra 10:9-17).
Remember, together, in Jesus, we make a Great Team!
Dr. James W. Goll