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Prophetic counsel is prayer which combines the work of the Cross and the work of the Holy Spirit. Wholeness or healing which bypasses the work of the Cross (Galatians 2:20-21) is doomed to failure. Without the work of the Holy Spirit the Cross would remain experientially ineffective. In an attitude of prayer, the Holy Spirit reveals situations and life patterns that need to be dealt with in prayer, such as judgments and blame, anger that needs to be released, areas where forgiveness must be extended, healing the brokenhearted, and dormant giftings that need to be released to flow.
The anointing operates to establish the government of God, bringing proper order and structure to establish and mature the saints for the work of the ministry.
The minister helps clarify issues through dialogue and the gifts of the Spirit, primarily discerning the human spirit in conjunction with word of knowledge, to discover and deal effectively with root problems for healing the wounded, ministering spiritual breakthroughs, and igniting for service. Apostolic-Prophetic prayer counsel also identifies and releases latent spiritual gifts. An important part of healing the brokenhearted is identifying and releasing anointings which are either not flowing or are partially paralyzed or dormant due to wounding. The goal is not just healing, but for the believer to be made whole, ignited for service, and released to destiny.
In prophetic prayer counsel, we recognize that the Holy Spirit is the Counselor and that there is a particular anointing of a Spirit of Counsel . ("And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD." Isaiah 11:2.)
Through the Spirit of Counsel, there is a special unction that separates, clarifies, deals, and heals by utilizing various combinations of the gifts of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit as Counselor draws upon the whole counsel of God for that specific word in season to them that are weary. Isaiah 50:4 states, "The Lord GOD has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he awakens [me] morning by morning, he awakens my ear to hear as the learned [a disciple]." The Counsel of the Lord stands forever and when the Holy Spirit gives a word, it is appropriate and specific for the individual and the situation.
True discernment sees more Holy Spirit than evil spirit. The whole counsel of God has one interpretation (a love interpretation) with various applications. Rightly dividing the Word is our responsibility to minister a word with the love nature as well as the mind of God. As God's perspective is declared, the result is comfort, edification, building and planting. Even a corrective word to root out and pull down has the love nature of God behind it.
Who needs "counseling"? In light of the fact that Jesus was "Wonderful Counselor", the Word is the whole counsel of God, and one of the names of the Holy Spirit is the Counselor, who is to guide us into all truth, it appears that "counsel" is for all believers. From a biblical perspective, it could be said that whoever doesn't need counsel doesn't need Jesus, the Word, or the Holy Spirit. "Confess your faults one to another that you might be healed..." (James 5:16)
(In the phrase "be transformed by the renewing of your mind" from Romans 12:2, the word "mind" in the original Greek is nous, and means "mindset" and includes "thoughts, will and emotions", not just the intellect.)
I. HEALING EMOTIONS this can be used by the individual helping themselves
NEVER force ministry! Minister at the level the person receiving prayer can comfortably accept. It may be necessary to cancel a session if a person simply refuses to forgive (after an adequate explanation of biblical forgiveness has been given.) Encourage persons receiving prayer to be honest and admit what they feel, and present their emotions to God. Jesus Christ took our pains and sorrows to the Cross, but we must appropriate the freedom that He has already provided for us. Forgiveness must flow through the pain, and forgiveness must be extended to other people, oneself, and to God (when a person blames Him for something). Because forgiveness is a work of the Cross and the Holy Spirit (Galatians 2:20-21), after a person is healed, an anointing to bring healing to others flows through the scar (2 Cor. 1:4). Encourage the person receiving ministry to yield in the heart rather than just say words.
1. Wait on the Lord in an attitude of prayer . Focus on Jesus Christ within. It may help to remind the person receiving prayer that this is like an altar call, and it helps for them to keep their eyes closed. This is a prayer time not a discussion time (Psa. 131:2). Only minimal details are needed even in a private prayer session.
2. Ask the person to say the first person or situation (memory) that comes to mind (Prov. 20:27 KJV). It is important to pray for one thing at a time, and to go in order (Psa. 139:23-24 NASB).
3. Tell the person to actually feel the emotion in the belly, and it may help for the person to keep their hand there to maintain focus on Christ within for the duration of the prayer session. With every thought there is a corresponding emotion. It is important to actually feel the emotion, not just "think" about how they remember feeling.
4. Instruct the person to allow forgiveness to flow through the negative feeling until it changes to peace. The fruit of the Spirit, anointed peace, replaces the negative emotion. Forgiveness may be directed toward God, self, or others. Remind the person to allow Christ to forgive through them. A person does not "try" to forgive, but allows Christ the Forgiver within to do the forgiving. The person may need to be reminded that even if they feel as though they "can't" forgive, Jesus can and will. (John 7:38 says, "He who believes in me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water .")
5. Then, if there was an emotional need which wasn't met, such as love or attention, instruct the person to release demands on people until they feel peace (Rom 14:4 Living Bible), then receive filling from the Holy Spirit. Release flows from within, just like forgiveness, relinquishing the situation into the hands of Jesus.
6. Healing results in an anointing to minister healing to others (2 Cor. 1:4). Hurt people hurt people, but healed people heal people!
A mental stronghold is a lie that has been believed, contrary to scripture (Romans 12:2; Ephesians 4:22-23; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5). It manifests as a recurrent negative thought. Deal first with the emotions before pulling down mental strongholds. (In Romans 12:2, in the phrase "be transformed by the renewing of your mind", the word "mind" in the original Greek is nous, and means "thoughts, will and emotions", not just the intellect.)
1. Lies may be formed at the time of emotional wounding (Prov. 18:8 KJV). If this is the case, start with the emotions and forgiveness. (See Healing Emotions.) From the place of peace that forgiveness produces in the emotions, mental strongholds can effectively be brought down.
2. Ask the person to renounce the lie out loud. This breaks the power of the mental stronghold. For example, have the person say, "I renounce the lie that `I'm a failure'."
3. Have the person ask the Lord to tell them the truth. Then have them speak out loud the first thing that comes to mind. (It may be a scripture verse or a thought that is scriptural.) Truth flows up from the Spirit in the heart of man and gives revelation to the intellect (John 4:14; Prov. 4:20-23).
4. Agree in prayer by yielding the heart and allow the Holy Spirit to write the truth on the tablet of the heart (Jer. 31: 33; Psa. 40:8; 2 Cor. 3:3).
If a person is having difficulty actually feeling emotions, instruct them to yield to Christ within and allow themselves to feel (Phil. 2:13; Eze. 36:27).
1. Ask the person to say aloud "I CHOOSE to feel." You can't make an emotion, but you can temporarily suppress an emotion with the will.
2. It may be necessary to remind the person to allow themselves to feel what they actually felt at the time a situation occurred. For example, you might say, "Feel what the child felt at the time, not what you think about it now."
3. An "inner vow" may block emotions from surfacing. Inner vows are decisions to strengthen the carnal willpower (a hardening of the heart), and are usually formed at a time of wounding. You may ask the person if they ever made a decision such as "I will never let anyone see me cry."
4. Instruct the person to extend forgiveness and receive forgiveness, then renounce the vow out loud. This releases the will and breaks the power of the vow.
NOTE - If someone says that they don't see anything or only see "black", they might be nervous. It may help to reassure and encourage them that it is Christ within who does the work. Occasionally, a stronghold, pride, fear, or some demonic activity may be interfering. Bind and renounce any demonic interference. A "blank" mind is not normal because the mind is always active and thinking.
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