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Kathie Walters
![]() The anointing does not come on what you do - it comes on what HE does. Neither does the glory of God come on what we do. It comes on what He does. Isn't it easier to just get into what God does? Please read on.
There is something happening with women pastors right now - a great opportunity to "catch" the glory ball, so email me, my sweet anointed sisters, we will make a big dent in this religious "occupation" of the minds of God's people.
A word for those who are fed up with religious stuff -
The sin of sin consciousness
One of the most prevalent problems affecting the faith of most Christians is the sin of sin consciousness. You are created to be God conscious.
When you were born again Jesus gave you a new nature - He gave you HIS nature- which is created in Holiness and Righteousness.
We spend so much time asking Him to do what He has already done.
We sing songs like "Create in me a clean heart O God" well He did - He gave you a new heart and a new spirit He put within you. That was the promise of the New Covenant.
The New covenant
The Old Covenant was all to do with the outside - Thou shalt not steal- thou shalt not commit adultery, you shall have no other Gods before Me etc. It was all to do with people trying to conform to the rules - Jesus said it wasn't about rules.
The law was given to show us our impotency why? That we might fly to Christ who is the END OF THE LAW TO THEM THAT BELIEVE - If you live by the law and fail in one small part of it - you bring yourself under a curse. "Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do all the things that are written in the book of the law to do them." There is no such thing as 99% grace.
You are not meant to live a sin conscious life - but a God conscious life. If you are sin conscious - you will be always striving and trying to please God. You will have an inferiority complex spirit. Sin will always make you feel inferior - you will never feel you match up, you will always feel unqualified to receive from God. Why does Romans 8 say, "There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus"? Because we are not supposed to live in that sin-conscious realm!
The faith realm is where the Spirit of God is moving
You will not be able to get into faith because you will feel unworthy - Friend that is religion and spirits of works, striving, false standards. Most Christians operate under "works" instead of operating under the anointing. They are under a false yoke - they are yoked to a thing - a work, a ministry, a church, a fellowship, a building program etc.
You are called to be yoked to Jesus
Anything that controls your life is a yoke. But you know what? You are meant to be yoked to Him - Jesus. Jesus said, "Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me,..for My yoke is easy and my burden is light (and in the Greek) and DELIGHTFUL, its not harsh and neither is it heavy."
When you yield to the Spirit, He puts His desires in your heart - so that when you serve Him, it's delightful, "I delight to do the will of God." If you are serving the Lord today and it's not delightful to you, forget it, God has no pleasure in it. The church is so confused by religious spirits. A false yokes or spirits of false responsibility can keep you very busy doing things for God, doing "good" things. But the good things can keep you from the GOD thing in your life.
Responding to God - not responding to need
We are brought up in church to respond to need- so we see a need and off we go running to try and DO something.
But Jesus never operated that way, He never responded to need, He responded to the voice of the Father. He never sympathized with people - He had compassion, but that is a different thing - compassion operates with truth, it's about setting people free.
If you want to know more about this, get my book "Living in the Supernatural" and CD on "Getting free and Living in the Supernatural" from my website.
Do you know God is not running around the universe trying to recruit workers for the Kingdom? He is looking for His sons and daughters to rise up and be who they are called to be. Your first calling is to ENJOY GOD, then you can serve Him, then you will have something to export.
Stop -stop -stop. Its not doing, it’s yielding.
It's not trying, it's resting in the anointing. Believe me, more will happen in 5 minutes. by you resting in Him and letting the Holy Spirit do what He wants to do, than all of your months of "working" for God. To be honest your works are stinky - that sweet aroma that you smell in the meetings comes when He is working. Religious spirits often smell like stale perfume.
Real Salvation
What do you think salvation is?
If he qualified you 100% by His death and resurrection, how can you later on in your Christian life, un-qualify from something you never qualified for in the first place?
Did you realize you were not called first to be a servant, but God called you and adopted you as a son or daughter first to enjoy Him, then when you enjoy Him, then you can serve Him. Then you will have something to give.
No, He gave you His nature - You are a new creation. A new heart He put within you and a new spirit. That
The old man WAS crucified with Christ -(not trying to be) read Romans 6 - the old man was crucified with Him buried with Him in Baptism. It works when you believe it
He made everything new
He put away sin once and for all when He took your sin on Himself and was crucified and buried. Because of your sin nature, Jesus was cut off from His Father and God turned away from Him because He could not look upon sin. Jesus paid the price and crucified your SIN NATURE so that you could live free from that nature.
You were adopted into His family, you took His Name, His authority, His nature. You are bone of His bone.
When Jesus was raised from the dead - you (the new man) were raised with Him in newness of Life. You are not a sinner saved by grace, you WERE sinner saved by grace - but now you are a son and a daughter of MIGHTY GOD. "If you walk in the Spirit ( by faith) you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh." That's a promise, not a suggestion.
Please my brothers and sisters shake off this old religious bondage - it's sick, it's evil, it's aimed at keeping you from the glorious liberty of the children of God. The enemy is always wanting you to try and do what only God can do. Let’s raise a banner of LIBERTY
NOW ..
Now He is your Father.
Now you can call him Abba (daddy).
Now you can walk boldly to the throne of grace.
Now you can ask and receive
Now you can lift your head because He is the lifter of your head
Now you can be God conscious and not sin conscious-
Now you can operate in the Spirit of faith ( His faith which has been give to you).
Now you can declare those things which God has put within you- the dreams and visions and prophetic words.
Now you can live and walk in the supernatural realm.
Now you can talk to angels
Now you can get in the spirit and go in God
Now you can walk in the glory. He already sent His glory- it
spirits- wrong thinking, erroneous mindsets.
Now you can walk in the anointing- the anointing makes you GOD CONSCIOUS and not sin conscious or self-conscious.
Now you are the betrothed -
Now you covered with a beautiful robe of Righteousness, like the hymn writer says "His beauty is my glorious dress."
Now you have power over all he power of the enemy
Now the enemy is conquered in your life - if you believe it.
Now sin shall not have dominion over you
Now He it in love with you - He is not waiting for you to shape up
IT IS ALL OF GOD- Salvation from Start to finish is all HIS work
He that began a good work in you shall perform it
He is going to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy
You are the righteousness of God in Him
Of His fullness have we received and grace upon grace.
Kathie Walters -
I have come to the conclusion that 90% of the Body of Christ has no clue about what Jesus has provided for them - they live under the Old Covenant with some of the New Covenant added on. I am mad - mad at seeing God's people ripped by religious spirits, living under false yokes, false responsibility, etc. Trying and striving - (which will take you out of the Spirit realm so fast) to do things that God has not called them to do, because they don't know how to live in the Spirit realm. It is not even a matter of the legal thing - it was to do with the heart - "The law says, You shall not commit adultery; but I say unto you, whoever looks after a women to lust in his heart - has already committed adultery in his heart." It’s not, "One day I will be in heaven with Jesus, meanwhile I will hang on." Jesus doesn’t say to you today "I died on a cruel cross for you and one day you will be with me in heaven, meanwhile do the best you can. Don’t pass on your religion, people have enough problems of their own.
He loves to take you in His chariots - He loves to show you what He’s doing in other places. It is not coming down, He already gave it to the church - from glory to glory ( 2 Cor 3) the problem is the glory is covered up by religious beliefs.
Kathie Walters
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