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Lysine - Fat, collagen, injury recovery and your lungs too read more


Lysine is an essential amino acid that assists in the production of antibodies, hormones, and enzymes. Crucial for proper growth and bone development in children, it also aides in calcium absorption and the maintenance of proper nitrogen levels in adults. Because lysine assists in collagen formation and tissue repair it may be particularly useful to those recovering from surgery or sports injuries. Lysine can not be manufactured by our bodies, so it is vital that sufficient amounts be consumed via diet or by supplementation.

Lysine is listed(1) as an essential element in nutritional treatment of Cardiovascular Disease, Cold Sores, Lead Poisoning and Shingles. Very Important for Canker Sores, Growth Problems, Herpesvirus Infection, Lupus and Osteoporosis. Important for Common Cold, Hysterectomy Recovery, Influenza and helpful for Bronchitis, Menopausal Problems, Obesity, Stress and Weakened Immune System

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