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Magnesium the missing link to health

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 four ounces  $40.00

V.M. - W (Vital Minerals)
V.M.-W (Vital Minerals) - A first
class source of vital minerals for body maintenance and satisfying body cravings for minerals; and, to neutralize and prevent acid conditions.

V.M.-W can be employed successfully, to restore and maintain electrolytes (those minerals vital to the operation of the nerves and the functions they control).

A specialized use of this is to make successive applications of V.M.-W (or the formula A.C.S.), in the quantities needed, to cover the
soles of the feet, ankles and calves of the legs of a person who is about to have an operation or a person
 who has just had and operation,
 to counteract the effects of surgical shock.

This is especially important if
they are having trouble regaining consciousness. Prevents and relieves fluid retention, and opens obstructions of the spleen. V.M.-W dissolves buildup of acid crystals
and cleans, internally, to clear up eczema.

V.M.-W can be used to dissolve obstructions in the body, such as: plugs of fat in the blood stream, pieces of rock or grit in tubes
and ducts, and does so in such a
manner that the rocks and fat
plugs become liquified and can be
 passed harmlessly out of the body.

COMBINATION: Kelp, Dandelion Root, Alfalfa.

DOSE: 10 to 40 drops after meals, or 3 times per day and as given above.

Magnesium Controls Bone Loss, Heart Attack,
And 300 Bodily Functions
Magnesium manages health benefits for over 300 essential internal processes affecting aging, arthritis, asthma, blood, blood pressure, bone formation and loss, brain, cholesterol, energy, heart contraction and relaxation, heart attack, kidney, metabolism, muscle function, sleep, stress, and teeth.

Information, Facts, And Statistics

A macro mineral (Macro mineral means you need over 100mg daily; minerals needed in smaller amounts are considered trace minerals).
Life without magnesium is impossible.
Deficiencies (hypomagnesemia) commonly run as high as 80% in the adult population.
Ability to absorb Mg decreases as we age.
Women on average can lose 3 to 8% of their bone mass per year after menopause.
This extraordinary mineral is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions essential for daily life.
The immense role in the body far exceeds that of any other mineral.
Many things contribute to depletion and deficiency and increase the need for greater intake: a high calcium diet, alcohol, carbonated beverages, chronic pain, coffee, diabetes, diuretics, drugs, low thyroid output, medications, mental stress, sugar, high carbohydrate diet, high perspiration, high salt diet, and tobacco.
Elemental content in the body averages 30 to 35 grams or about 1 to 1¼ ounces.
Daily intake of the average American diet is 200 to 240mg while the average intake of the Asian diet is 500 to 700mg.
Low Mg is the single largest cause of bone loss and makes high calcium intake ineffective. Without enough Mg, your body pulls calcium from bones and deposits the surplus calcium into arteries (causing arteriosclerosis), joints (causing arthritis), muscles (causing fibromyalgia), capillaries of the brain (causing mental function disorders), blood vessels of the arms and legs (causing cold hands and feet), bone spurs, and kidney stones.
Intake needs to be at least equal or up to twice the intake of calcium. The desired ratio of calcium to magnesium is 1:1 to 1:2 (one to two times as much as calcium).
About 65% of Mg in the body is found in bones and teeth. Another 25% is in muscles. The remaining 10% is in blood, fluids, and other tissues. A very high concentration is in the brain with substantial amounts inside cells of the heart.
Mg supports the control of acidity and alkalinity in the body.

Used For
acid balance, activation of B Vitamins, adrenal function, alcoholism, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, arteriosclerosis, brain function, bone
formation, bone loss prevention, calcium utilization, cancer, carbohydrate metabolism, C vitamin utilization, cell formation, cholesterol,
depression, diabetes, digestion, energy production (ATP), efficient enzyme production, epilepsy, fatigue, fatty acid formation,
fibromyalgia, headaches, heart function, heart attack survival, heart disease, heart function, high blood pressure, insomnia, irregular heart
beats, kidney function, kidney stones, leg cramps, migraines, muscle cramps, muscle function, muscle spasms, muscle tremors,
nervousness, nervous system, osteoporosis, potassium balance, PMS, rapid heartbeat, relaxation of muscles, seizures, serotonin
function, sodium balance, and strokes.

Magnesium is listed as an essential element in the nutritional treatment of ADD/ADHD, Bruxism, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, High Blood Pressure, Muscle Cramps, Narcolepsy, Osteoporosis, Paget's Disease, Parkinson's, Polyps, and TMJ. Very Important for Aging, Alcoholism, Allergies, Anorexia, Anxiety Disorder, Arteriosclerosis/Atherosclerosis, Arthritis, Asthma, Autism, Backache, Bursitis, Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Fracture, Heart Attack, Bone Spur, Hemorrhoids, Hysterectomy Issues, Lupus, Migraine, Pancreatitis, Periodontal Disease, PMS, Radiation Exposure, Raynaud's Disease, and Stress. Important in Alzheimer's Disease, Bladder Infection, Bulimia, Candidiasis, Circulatory Problems, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Cold Sores, Drug Addiction, Edema, Growth Problems, Hearing Loss, Hepatitis, Herpes, Hypoglycemia, Incontinence, Insomnia, Malabsorption, Menopausal Problems, Motion Sickness, Multiple Sclerosis, Shingles, Thrombophlebitis, Tooth Decay, Wilson's Disease & Helpful for Adrenal Disorders, Age Spots, Bedsores, Bronchitis, Bruising, Burns, Constipation, Crohn's Disease, Depression, Diarrhea, Emphysema, Endometriosis, Gangrene, Rubella, Glaucoma, Gout, Hay Fever, Headache, Heartburn/GERD, Hemophilia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Kidney Disease, Lactose Intolerance, Bipolar Disorder, Measles, Mononucleosis, Nail Problems, Prostatitis, Psoriasis, Rheumatic Fever, Schizophrenia, Sunburn, Ulcerative Colitis, Vaginitis, Varicose Veins, Vertigo, and Wrinkles.

Certain B vitamins assist in the utilization of magnesium, always take a multi B stress formula as well.
See extensive dissertation on magnesium click here

Magnesium Health Benefits

*Some Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Improves adrenal gland health and function.
***Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level
Low levels enable disease development and more rapid aging.
Helps keep joints loose and prevent joint stiffness.
Magnesium and calcium work together to provide anti-aging benefits. Without sufficient Mg, calcification can occur in the bladder, kidneys (kidney stones), and joints (osteoarthritis). Mg prevents and actually reverses calcification.
**Fair Effectiveness At ODA Level.
May help with Alzheimer's Disease.
Provides protection against aluminum, beryllium, cadmium, mercury, nickel, and lead.
Low levels play a role in heavy metal deposits in the brain and may be a factor in Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, and mental function disorders.
Dosage for treatment of Alzheimer's Disease is 1000mg daily.
Angina (Chest Pain)
*Some Effectiveness At ODA Level.
May help ease angina chest pain symptoms.
*Some Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Helps prevent free radical attacks.
*** Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
May reduce occurrence, broncho constriction, and symptoms of asthma.
May relax the smooth muscle around the bronchial tubes.
Japanese research has found that oral Mg prevents asthma attacks and intravenous injection relieves asthma attacks.
Blood Clots
***Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Too much calcium and too little magnesium causes an increase in blood clots which can lead to strokes and heart attacks.
Mg reduces blood platelet stickiness to prevent formation of blood clots.
Blood Pressure
***Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Regulates and promotes healthy blood pressure.
High blood pressure may develop as a result of deficiency.
Supplementation may lower blood pressure as much as 10% in those with low magnesium. 300 to 600mg daily may lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
Like a calcium channel blocker, Mg blocks the accumulation of calcium in blood vessel linings.
Blood Sugar
**Fairly Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Helps regulate and control healthy blood sugar levels.
Body Temperature
*Some Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Helps in regulating body temperature.
*****Outstanding Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Absolutely essential for building bone. Calcium without magnesium can not be assimilated and is virtually worthless for helping or preventing osteoporosis.
About 70% of all Mg in the body is found in bones.
Higher levels than the RDA improves prevention of weak and brittle bones.
Increases bone strength, mineral density, and prevents fractures.
Bones become stronger and more flexible with Mg. (Interestingly, cement made from magnesium rather than calcium is up to 6 times stronger and more flexible.)
Women on average can lose 3 to 8% of their bone mass per year after menopause.
Women with osteoporosis have substantially less Mg levels than those who do not have osteoporosis.
Mg is more important than calcium for building bone and preventing osteoporosis. Low Mg is the single largest cause of bone loss and makes high calcium intake ineffective. It causes your body to pull calcium from bones and deposit surplus calcium into arteries (can cause arteriosclerosis), joints(can cause arthritis), bone spurs, kidney stones, and other soft tissues
Calcium requires Mg to assimilate and build bone. If you are low in calcium, taking more calcium will not necessarily solve the deficiency. Taking Mg improves calcium absorption and resolves any magnesium shortages that may be preventing calcium utilization. Most calcium supplements on the market are improperly balanced with magnesium and only make calcium absorption worse.
Osteoporosis is a modern day problem. Skeletons from 2 and 3 hundred years ago were found to have stronger bones than what we find in women of today. The number of fractures have doubled in just the last 30 years. Mayo Clinic reports that some women with osteoporosis taking extra calcium actually increase risk of fractures 3 times. These women are getting plenty of calcium so why is calcium not helping and why are they experiencing other health problems?
The answer is Mg shortage. Without enough magnesium, calcium is being lost in the urine and deposited in arteries (causing arteriosclerosis), joints (causing arthritis), muscles (causing fibromyalgia), capillaries of the brain (causing mental function disorders), blood vessels of the arms and legs (causing cold hands and feet), bone spurs, and kidney stones. Fatigue, muscle aches and pains, excessive gas in stomach and intestines, virus infections, constipation, depression are additional signs of excess calcium heath problems caused by insufficient Mg.
Signs of Mg deficiency are osteoporosis, arthritis, atherosclerosis, bursitis, fatigue, gallstones, high cholesterol, insomnia, irregular heartbeat, kidney stones, PMS, high blood pressure, and frequent urination.
Are we getting too much calcium and not enough Mg? Calcium supplement intake, milk consumption, and incidence of osteoporosis in the US is among the highest in the world. Why?
Too much calcium intake can cause osteoporosis and prevent Mg absorption.
About 70% of all Mg in the body is in the bones combined with calcium and phosphorus.
Mg absorption is essential for putting calcium into bones.
High calcium intake prevents Mg absorption needed to put calcium in bones. Low Mg is the single largest cause of bone loss and makes high calcium intake ineffective.
When blood calcium level is too high relative to Mg, it causes your body to pull calcium from bones and deposit any surplus calcium into arteries (can cause arteriosclerosis), joints(can cause arthritis), bone spurs, kidney stones, and other soft tissues. More calcium is helpful only when there is a confirmed true calcium deficiency and when there is sufficient magnesium for calcium utilization.
Mg intake needs to be at least equal or up to twice the intake of calcium. The desired ratio of calcium to Mg is 1:1 to 1:2 (one to two times as much as calcium).
A continuous remodeling process takes place in bone. Osteoclasts cells are activated by parathyroid hormone to remove old minerals from bone as it becomes brittle and weak. Osteoblasts are then activated by calcitonin hormone to rebuild bone with new minerals and collagen.
When Mg is low, too much parathyroid hormone is produced and over stimulates osteoclasts cells to keep removing calcium while little or no rebuilding takes place. The result is continuous bone loss until Mg is increased to balance and correct the bone remodeling process.
Mg is recommended at 500 to 1000mg daily along with 500mg of calcium daily. Some will develop stool looseness at higher Mg doses. You want to take the higher dose if tolerated well. Start with 200mg three times daily and increase slowly to 200mg five times daily or until excessive looseness is noticed. Back off dose just enough to get the stool softness desired and continue taking at that amount.
Too much calcium with too little magnesium increases blood clotting and the potential for heart attacks and strokes.
Mg provides anti-aging effects and reduces constipation sometimes associated with calcium supplements.
About 99% of all calcium in the body is in the bones combined with Mg and phosphorus.
Divided doses improve calcium absorption and bone formation.
Calcium with meals works best. Stomach acid is required to prepare calcium for absorption.
Taking Mg, vitamin D, and a multivitamin/mineral daily improves absorption and utilization of calcium. Other supplements and strategies further improve calcium utilization and new bone formation.
The RDA [Recommended Daily Allowance] is 1,000-1500mg of calcium daily for women past age 50 but newer studies with higher Mg intake suggest that this could exceed calcium needs. Even the World Health Organization recommends only 400-500mg calcium daily which is more in agreement with new findings.
Unless you have a confirmed true calcium deficiency, start by taking……
500 mg of calcium daily
500mg of magnesium and gradually increase total intake up to 1,000mg daily in split doses (taken 2 to 5 times daily not exceeding 200mg at a time) or until desired stool consistency is obtained (soft but not too loose)
1000mg of vitamin D (taken 500mg at a time twice daily)
Along with a good multivitamin/mineral (taken once daily)
Increasing calcium intake to 1000mg daily is in order only with verified calcium deficiency.
Too much calcium can be toxic and can cause constipation. Taking with Mg, drinking plenty of water, and spacing intake throughout the day reduces possibility of calcium toxicity and constipation.
If you have kidney or heart problems, take Mg only under medical direction and supervision.
Test your supplement.
Most forms of calcium absorbed well but some do not. To see if yours dissolves sufficiently. Drop 2 tablets into ½ glass of vinegar and stir every 3 minutes. If they break up into small pieces within 30 minutes, they're probably OK. Get your money back and change to another brand if they do not separate.
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is exceedingly important for calcium absorption.
D3 can increase calcium absorption up to 80%.
Building strong bone is best accomplished with the support of additional supplements such as B6, B9, C, D, K2, boron, copper, magnesium, manganese, silicon, strontium, zinc, and fish oil most of which may be conveniently obtained by taking a high quality multivitamin/mineral supplement. Seek individual supplements or food sources to obtain those not included in the multivitamin/mineral.
Fish oil increases calcium absorption and new deposits in bone, improves bone strength, and decreases calcium excretion in urine.
***Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Improves cerebral function.
Improves and maintains blood circulation to the brain.
May prevent atherosclerosis in arteries supplying blood to the brain.
Grass tetany, a disease caused by low Mg that results in brain function disturbance, staggers, convulsions, and death in cattle, is easily prevented with magnesium oxide supplementation. Similar conditions have been observed in human patients with Mg deficiency.
*Some Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Reduces risk of developing all forms of cancer.
**Fairly Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Needed for cell repair, cell health, and growing new cells.
Mg may improve electrical potential and permeability of cell membranes.
***Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
High magnesium diets have been shown to lower cholesterol.
Mg (especially aspartate form) may decrease total cholesterol and bad LDL cholesterol while preventing bad LDL oxidation and increasing good HDL cholesterol level.
Rabbits get arteriosclerosis when fed high cholesterol diets. Interestingly, feeding 5 times the normal amount of Mg with high cholesterol diets lowers blood cholesterol and prevents arteriosclerosis.
***Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Without magnesium, calcium accumulates inside blood vessels and ultimately leads to blockage and poor circulation.
Adequate Mg helps maintain good blood circulation.
Helps poor blood circulation by pulling calcium accumulations (calcification) out of arteries, blood vessels, and capillaries and preventing its return.
Helps keep blood vessels free of calcium accumulation and blockage.
Helps reduce excessive blood vessel constriction that occurs in those who experience unusually cold hands, cold feet, and Reynaud's disease.
**Fairly Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Correcting Mg deficiency may ease many causes of intermittent claudicating.
**Fairly Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Mg and calcium together in a balanced ratio 2:1 (twice as much mg as ca) maintains colon health and regular bowel movements.
****Very Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Relieves constipation.
Magnesium with calcium in balanced ratio 2:1 (twice as much mg as ca) maintains colon health, relieves and prevents constipation, and keeps bowel movements regular.
Mg attracts and holds water in fecal matter to provide more comfortable passing of softer stools.
Calcium unites with excess bile and fats in the colon to form a safe non-toxic soap to clean the colon and be excreted easily in the stool.
Being a gentle laxative, magnesium relaxes colon walls to allow for peristalsis action to occur naturally without creating laxative dependency.
A large 2006 Japanese study involving 3835 individuals between ages 18 and 20 concluded that low fiber or low water intake from fluids had no affect on preventing constipation. Constipation was found to be connected to low water intake from foods and low magnesium intake.
*Some Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Aids in preventing depression.
Diabetes Type I Mellitus
*Some Effectiveness At ODA Level.
May lower insulin requirements in diabetes type I mellitus patients.
Diabetes Adult Onset Type II
**Fair Effectiveness At ODA Level.
May decrease risk of diabetes.
Essential for insulin secretion and function.
Deficiency may result in hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
Supplementation may improve weakened insulin response in diabetes adult onset type II.
*Some Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Assists in preventing dizziness.
****Very Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Essential for energy production (ATP).
Necessary for maintaining energy levels. Lack of energy can occur from Mg deficiency.
Aids conversion of glucose into energy. Triggers enzymes needed to release energy.
Improves athletic performance.
May increase capacity for extended work and athletic performance up to 50%.
May prevent aldosterone and cortical increases caused by exercise.
May reduce fatigue from loss of sleep.
May help chronic fatigue syndrome using magnesium aspartate form at 1000mg daily.
Supplementation reduces lactic acid formation, sore muscles, and muscle cramps that often occur following the performance of strenuous exercises or work you are not used to performing (beginning football season exercise, new construction job, digging ditches by hand, heavy yard work, wood cutting, etc.).
Mg, C, and E are critical in mitochondrial function and energy production.
**Fairly Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Mg provides protection against aluminum, beryllium, cadmium, mercury, nickel, and lead.
Low levels play a role in heavy metal deposits in the brain and may be a factor in Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, and mental function disorders.
***Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Reduces leg and muscle cramps caused by lactic acid production and reduced arterial blood flow.
**Fairly Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
May help prevent dry eyes.
May help prevent glaucoma.
May help peripheral blood circulation and visual field of those with glaucoma.
Free Radical
*Some Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Helps prevent free radical attacks.
*Some Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Relieves occasional headaches.
Stops migraine headaches for some individuals.
Heart Disease
*****Outstanding Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Very important for heart function and health.
Improves strength and energy of a weakened heart.
Prevents heart disease and many of its associated problems.
Long standing magnesium deficiency is almost always the basic cause of high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, and fatal heart attacks.
Reduces risk of heart attack and the likelihood of death following a heart attack.
Consumption of nuts containing Mg (like almonds 80mg/oz or cashews 75mg/oz) 5 days weekly cuts heart attack risk in half.
Mg and calcium supplementation should be in balanced ratio 2:1 (twice as much Mg as Ca). Too much calcium and too little magnesium results in blood clotting and increased incidence of heart attacks.
Intravenous Mg as early as possible is a preferred treatment for heart attack. Injection directly into the bloodstream significantly reduces death rate.
Decreases angina chest pain.
Deficiency can result in calcification, atherosclerosis, and deterioration of the heart.
Calcium buildup in the heart results in heart disease.
When lack of magnesium prevents calcium from getting into your bones, the calcium collects inside arteries leading to atherosclerosis, coronary artery blockage, and a heart attack.
Mg serves like a calcium channel blocker (such as procardia and cardizem) to block the accumulation of calcium in blood vessel linings to prevent cardiovascular disease.
Maintains stable heart rhythm and healthy heart muscle function.
Mg and calcium are required for proper heartbeat. The heart muscle must contract (requires calcium) and relax (requires magnesium). The right mineral balance is important. Too much contraction (from too much calcium and not enough Mg) results in irregular heart beat rhythms and possible heart attacks.
Deficiency is prevalent in people with heart beat arrhythmias, mitral valve prolapse, congestive heart failure, and high blood pressure.
Heart palpitations, flutters, rapid heart beat, and heart beat irregularities clear up quickly when Mg shortages are corrected with supplementation.
About 85% of heart patients with mitral valve prolapse and most with congestive heart failure(CHF) have a deficiency and poor heart pumping function which is often improved with supplementation.
One-fourth of all heart attacks happen in individuals with clean heart arteries (no plaque buildup or blockage)….often when they are doing no physical activity and while they are at rest or asleep. They seem to occur due to a severe spasm or tightening of a coronary artery shutting off blood flow and oxygen to the heart. Several studies point to lower than normal magnesium as a possible cause for these sudden heart attack deaths.
CAUTION: Those with heart disease and/or kidney disease must consult with their doctors for approval and instruction before taking Mg supplements which can make these problems worse in some situations.
*Some Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Mg (aspartate form) may prevent certain types of deafness like hearing losses due to loud noise or music.
**Fairly Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Aids in maintaining a healthy immune system.
Low levels allow diseases to develop faster.
**Fairly Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Provides anti-inflammatory activity.
Live longer with magnesium. An 18 year French study found that men with highest levels had a 40% reduction in risk of early death compared to those with lowest levels. The anti-inflammatory action reduces inflammation which is a primary cause of heart disease and cancer.
**Fairly Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Essential for secretion and function of insulin.
***Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
May help with inflammation of kidneys.
Helps prevent kidney stones. Incidence of kidney stones is higher in those deficient in Mg.
Mg prevents calcium accumulation in the kidney.
CAUTION: Those with kidney disease and/or heart disease must consult with their doctors for approval and instruction before taking Mg supplements which can make these problems worse in some situations.
****Very Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Live longer with Mg. An 18 year French study found that men with highest levels had a 40% reduction in risk of early death compared to those with lowest levels. The anti-inflammatory action reduces inflammation which is a primary cause of heart disease and cancer.
**Fairly Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
May improve lung function. One study found that those consuming a minimum 380mg of Mg daily had superior lung function compared to those consuming lesser amounts daily.
***Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Improves cerebral function.
Improves and maintains blood circulation to the brain.
May prevent atherosclerosis in arteries supplying blood to the brain.
Mg deficiency in adults results in calcium deposits in the brain and premature senility.
Deficiency in children reduces mental function.
The process by which food is converted into energy and substances needed to sustain life.
*****Outstanding Effectiveness At ODA Level.
It is impossible to live without magnesium.
Mg is necessary for over 300 biochemical reactions essential for daily life. Here is a partial listing of 16 categorized areas where hundreds of biochemical reactions are in play.
ATP. Required for formation, transfer, storage, and utilization of ATP (adenosine triphosphate is the energy storage molecule all cells use whenever energy is required for chemical reactions, digestion, maintenance, metabolism, reproduction, work, and all body functions and actions).
BLOOD PRESSURE. Aids in blood pressure control.
BONE. The major player in bone formation and bone loss prevention.
CALCIUM. Regulates calcium utilization through its involvement with several hormones.
CELLS. Stores energy in cells. Regulates calcium flow in and out.
ENERGY. Helps body create energy from food. Works with calcium in energy production.
ENZYMES. Essential for formation, transfer, storage, and use of energy in the body. Needed for many enzyme systems. Triggers almost 100 enzymes to help muscles work, nerves function, and all key biological processes perform like metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, cell energy production, respiration, etc.
GLUCOSE. Assists in glucose metabolism. Converts blood sugar into energy.
HOMEOSTASIS. Required for homeostasis (a state of equilibrium) of calcium, potassium, and sodium.
HORMONES. Vital for parathyroid hormone release. Regulates calcium utilization through its involvement with several hormones (parathyroid hormone and calcitonin).
METABOLISM. Essential for proper calcium, C vitamin, blood sugar conversion into energy. Required for glucose metabolism, cell energy formation, protein and nucleic acid synthesis.
MINERALS. Helps in their absorption (like calcium, potassium).
MUSCLES. Essential in contraction and relaxation of muscles.
PH BALANCE OF BODY. Helps maintain proper pH balance.
PROTEINS. Helps body make and utilize proteins.
VITAMINS. Helps in their absorption (like vitamin C).
Migraine Headaches
*Some Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Migraine headaches are helped in some.
*Some Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Enhances mood.
Multiple Sclerosis
**Fairly Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Low levels play a role in heavy metal deposits in the brain and may be a factor in multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and mental function disorders.
Mg provides protection against aluminum, beryllium, cadmium, mercury, nickel, and lead.
****Very Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Essential for muscle development, strong muscles, and good muscle health.
Supports and maintains healthy nerve transmission and muscle function.
Helps in both muscle contraction and relaxation.
Serves as a natural tranquilizer in releasing nervous tension and allowing nerves and muscles to relax.
Improves muscle function, strength, and endurance during work and exercise and averts muscle weakness.
Insures delivery of oxygen and nerve impulses to muscles for movement.
About 26% of all Mg in the body is found in muscles.
Useful in improving endurance and performance of marathon runners, cross country skiers, and swimmers.
Muscle cramps, spasms, jerks, eye twitches, and hiccups are all caused by Mg deficiency. Excess calcium is often a contributing factor as well.
Reduces leg and muscle cramps caused by lactic acid production and reduced arterial blood flow.
Signs of shortage are leg cramps and muscle soreness following work, exercise, and physical activity. Mg significantly reduces development of muscle soreness.
***Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Essential for proper functioning and health of the nerves and nervous system.
Supports nerve impulses and transmission.
Assists and maintains healthy muscle and nerve function.
Serves as a natural tranquilizer in releasing nervous tension and allowing nerves and muscles to relax.
***Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Adequate magnesium prevents calcium accumulation and deposits in joints (arthritis).
Helps pull calcium out of joints (reverses arthritis) when properly balanced with calcium at 2:1 ratio (twice as much Mg as Ca).
**Fairly Effective At ODA Level.
Valuable for parathyroid hormone release.
**Fairly Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Mg provides protection against aluminum, beryllium, cadmium, mercury, nickel, and lead.
Low levels play a role in heavy metal deposits in the brain and may be a factor in Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, and mental function disorders.
pH Balance
***Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Important in maintaining proper body pH.
Regulates acid/alkaline balance.
Sufficient Mg neutralizes acidity in the body.
***Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Provides relief of menstrual cramping and PMS.
PMS seems to be mostly a problem of too much calcium and too little Mg in the body. Mg often brings prompt relief.
Muscles relax with magnesium and contract with calcium. Calcium has been found to provide temporary relief of menstrual cramping but cramping returns with insufficient Mg. Permanent help for PMS is often Mg supplementation.
Dose used for PMS treatment = 500 to 1000mg daily.
Preclampsia is a medical condition with high blood pressure, protein in the urine, etc. affecting 5-8% of all pregnancies in the last months of pregnancy.
***Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Helps prevent and treat preclampsia during pregnancy.
***Strong Efffectiveness At ODA Level.
Deficiency in Mg increases risk of developing Raynaud's Disease.
Reduces blood vessel spasms that take place in Raynaud`s Disease.
Decreases vascular constrictions that result from exposure to cold.
***Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Insomnia can result from Mg deficiency.
Promotes more relaxed healthful sleep.
***Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Reduces stress and relieves nervous tension.
Beneficial for relaxing nerves and muscles.
Mg shortage leads to stress. Stress leads to even more Mg shortage.
Mg loses are greater when your body is under stress. More adrenaline and cortisol are produced which increase Mg excretion and the need for more Mg. High cortisol level decreases DHEA (an important anti-aging nutrient).
***Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Protects against strokes
Too much calcium and too little magnesium results in blood clotting and increased incidence of strokes. Mg and calcium supplementation should be in balanced ratio 2:1 (twice as much Mg as Ca).
Preventing clogged arteries requires Mg and calcium. When Mg is in short supply, calcium collects in arteries. Narrowing enough for lodging of small plaque pieces and then blood vessel dilation to release the plaque can cause a stroke.
***Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Essential for developing strong healthy teeth.
A component of strong teeth.
**Fairly Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
May reduce high triglyceride levels.
Deficiency increases triglyceride levels.
**Fairly Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
Helps relieve and prevent twitching.
**Fairly Strong Effectiveness At ODA Level.
May help prevent dry eyes.
May help prevent glaucoma.
May help peripheral blood circulation and visual field of those with glaucoma.
Weight Loss
*Some Effectiveness At ODA Level.
May help with weight loss.

Amount Needed Daily
ODA [Optimum Daily Amount] = 600mg (600-1000mg)
DV [Daily Value] = 400mg
RDA [Recommended Daily Allowance] = 350mg
Healthy Adult Safe Range = 400-1000mg
TAM [Typical Amount in Multivitamin] = 100mg

High calcium and/or phosphorus intake interfere with Mg absorption.
Mg is best taken in divided doses throughout the day because doses exceeding 200mg at time dramatically decrease absorption.
Forms differ in ability to be absorbed:
Excellent Absorption = Glycinate, Malate, and Taurate.
Well Absorbed = Acetate, Ascorbate, Citrate, Lactate, Chelated Forms, and Soluble Forms.
Very Well Absorbed = Aspartate, Glutamate, Lysinate, and Orotate.
Low Absorption = Oxide and Insoluble Forms. Least Absorbable = Carbonate, Chloride, Gluconate, and Sulfate.
Our ability to absorb magnesium decreases as we age.
Drinking carbonated beverages decreases absorption. Phosphoric acid in soft drinks and magnesium combine to form insoluble magnesium phosphate which passes unused in feces.
Milk consumption decreases absorption.

Directions For Taking
Take in 600 to 1000mg daily in divided doses not exceeding 200mg at a time for best absorption. Doses exceeding 200mg at a time may be taken but will have decreased absorption and may increase stool looseness for some forms.
Take first dose first thing upon waking up, the last dose last thing before going to bed (relaxation qualities usually helps with getting a good night's sleep), and remaining doses spread throughout the day with an 8 ounce glass of water.
Typically may be taken with or without food but is best absorbed when taken at least an hour before or after meals. Also, magnesium is an alkalizing mineral and may neutralize stomach acids to interfere with digestion.
Loose stools may indicate you are taking too much at a time. Also, some supplement forms like magnesium oxide may be best taken with a meal to reduce stomach upset and stool looseness.
Taking magnesium with calcium supplement can reduce the absorption.
Magnesium intake needs to be at least equal or up to twice the intake of calcium. The desired ratio of calcium to magnesium is 1:1 to 1:2 (one to two times as much Mg as calcium).
Too much calcium with too little magnesium decreases calcium absorption and bone formation and increases the likelihood of blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks.
Remember to count the magnesium and calcium content of your multivitamin/mineral in your daily totals.
Exceeding 1000mg if Mg daily may cause stool looseness which goes away with decreased intake.
Loose stools may not necessarily be an indication that you are taking too much. Most often loose stools indicate a need to switch the form of Mg or reduce the amount taken at a time.
Easily absorbed forms like glycinate, orotate, lactate, and glucnate are much less likely to cause loose stools. Insoluble forms like magnesium oxide and hydroxide are more likely to cause loose stools especially at higher doses.

Form & Names
Soluble Form (Organic) Examples: acetate, aspartate, citrate, glycinate, glutamate, lactate, malate, methionate, pyrrolidone-carboxylate, succinct, etc.
     - The soluble forms are fairly equal in absorption and as a group         better absorbed than the insoluble forms.
     - The soluble forms provide more magnesium nutrition.
     - Chelated magnesium with amino acids are far better         absorbed but are more expensive.
     - Chelated magnesium like glycinate, taurate, and orate are         relied upon to treat serious cases of Mg deficiency and when         stool looseness is a problem.
     - Ascorbate (bound to vitamin C), citrate, glycinate, and malate         are available as soluble magnesium salts. Salts of magnesium         asparate and citrate have a higher percentage of absorption.
Insoluble Form (Inorganic) Examples: carbonate, chloride, hydroxide, oxide, etc.
     - The insoluble forms are the least absorbable.
     - Carbonate, chloride, and oxide are available as insoluble         magnesium salts.
     - Magnesium oxide is the best absorbed of the insoluble forms.
     - The insoluble forms are more likely to cause stool looseness         than the soluble forms.
     - The insoluble forms provide more stool looseness and value for         constipation relief.
     - If stool looseness is not desired, it can be reduced by taking         these forms with food.

Ascorbate (bound to vitamin C)
     - Soluble magnesium salt.
     - Well absorbed.

     - Soluble amino acid chelate.
     - Very well absorbed (41.7% compared to 29% from citrate).
     - More expensive but less likely to cause loose stools than other forms even in higher doses.
     - May want to avoid magnesium aspartate because aspartate is an excitotoxin (toxin) that interferes with melatonin release from        pineal gland. Also, it breaks down into aspartic acid which may be harmful to the brain (potentially neurotoxin). Aspartic acid is a        constituent of aspartame artificial sweetener.
     - An insoluble magnesium salt.
     - One of the cheapest, least absorbable, and most common forms.
     - May want to avoid because it is not as well absorbed as many other forms.

     - Insoluble magnesium salt.
     - Inexpensive and widely available.
     - More likely to cause stool looseness than the soluble forms especially in large doses on a daily basis.
     - Can be a good choice if you tend to be constipated.
     - Not as well absorbed as the soluble forms.
     - Soluble chelated amino acid magnesium salt.
     - One of the better absorbed forms.
     - Provides a laxative effect and is used for bowel cleansing.
     - One of the most widely used, inexpensive, and easily absorbed.
     - Some consider the best form is magnesium citrate powder mixed in water and taken daily.
     - Does not require stomach acid for absorption and therefore may be taken between meals and at bedtime.
     - A popular water soluble Mg powder (205mg per teaspoon) is marketed as Natural Calm. The suggested dose is 1 to 3 teaspoons           mixed with hot water and drunk like a tea daily.
     - A gluconate magnesium salt of gluconic acid (MgC12H22O14) with E number “E580“.
     - Causes about 1/3 the frequency of diarrhea as magnesium oxide and 1/2 that of magnesium chloride.
     - Is alright to take on an empty stomach.
     - May want to avoid because it is among the cheapest, least absorbed, and most common forms available. It supplies too        little Mg.
     - A magnesium salt of glutamic acid with formula Mg(C5H8NO4)2.
     - May want to avoid magnesium glutamate because it breaks down  into glutamic acid which may be neurotoxin (harmful to the brain). Glutamic acid is a constituent of aspartame artificial sweetener.
     - Soluble chelated amino acid magnesium salt.
     - Absorption is excellent.
     - Considered very high quality and one of the very best absorbed forms (up to 5 times more than magnesium oxide).
     - More expensive but less likely to cause loose stools than other forms even in higher doses.
     - Relied upon to treat serious cases of deficiency and provide gentle effect on stomach and intestines.
     - Soluble chelated amino acid magnesium salt.
     - Very well absorbed.

     - Soluble chelated magnesium salt of malic acid.
     - Malic acid is a weak organic acid in vegetables and fruit (especially apples).
     - One of the best absorbed forms that is also cost effective.
     - Malate prevents aluminum absorption.
     - Magnesium Malate is used to treat chronic fatigue, pain, and insomnia.
     - A good choice for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue patients because malic acid helps these conditions.
     - A good combination product.
     - One of the best absorbed forms.
     - Provides 150mg Mg per capsule.
     - Soluble chelated amino acid magnesium salt.
     - Very well absorbed.
     - Expensive.
     - Useful in treating serious cases of deficiency.
     - Good for those not wanting loose stools.
     - Insoluble magnesium salt.
     - Provides a laxative effect. More likely to cause stool looseness than the soluble forms.
     - One of the most widely available and cheapest forms.
     - Not as well absorbed as many of the soluble forms. One 500mg capsule of magnesium oxide contains 300mg of mg but one study        reported only 4% of that being absorbed.
Sulfate (or Sulphate)
     - Insoluble magnesium salt.
     - Results in loose stools.
     - One of the cheapest and most common forms available.
     - May want to avoid because magnesium sulfate is less well absorbed.

     - Soluble chelated amino acid magnesium salt.
     - Very easily and highly absorbed.
     - Less likely to cause loose stools than other forms.
     - Relied upon to treat serious cases of Mg deficiency and provide gentle effect on stomach and intestines.
     - Good for those with heart problems. The amino acid taurine and magnesium together have special benefits for the heart. May        prevent heart beat irregularities and protect against heart attack damage. Requires supplementation for 6 to 12 months.

Safety & Toxicity
Mg in high doses present no serious side effects for the average healthy person though loose stools, low blood pressure, nausea, stomach discomfort, and vomiting have been experienced by some especially those taking insoluble and less absorbable forms. Excess is quickly lost through urine and feces.
Taking high doses can result in loose stools which quickly corrects itself by reducing amount taken at a time and/or changing to a more absorbable form (such as the chelated forms).
Magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, B6, C, and D work together.
Alcohol, diarrhea, zinc, and vitamin D increase need.
People with kidney problems, heart disease, myasthenia gravis (chronic autoimmune neuromuscular disease) and on various drugs and medications should take Mg only under medical supervision by their doctor.
Medical supervision is vital for those taking hypoglycemic drugs because magnesium may increase their absorption.
Do not take any medications or drugs within 2 hours of taking Mg.

Almonds(80mg/oz), apples, avocados(35mg/½ cup), baked potatoes(50mg/med), banana(30mg/med), berries, blackeyed peas(45mg/½ cup), brown rice(40mg/½ cup), cabbage, cashews(75mg/oz), chard, cocoa 420mg/100gm), greens, fish, halibut(90mg/3 oz), oatmeal(55mg/cup), okra(47mg/½ cup), peanuts(50mg/oz), pinto beans(35mg/½ cup), pumpkin seeds(150mg/oz), salmon, soybeans(75mg/½ cup), spinach(75mg/½ cup), sunflower seeds, and yogurt(45mg/8 oz).

Magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, B6, C, and D work better when taken together.
Helps in absorption, utilization, and maintaining levels of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, C, D, and E.

Deficiency Symptoms
Calcium depletion, confusion, fatigue, heart problems, heart spasms, high blood pressure, insomnia, muscular tremors, muscle weakness and cramps, nervousness, nervousness, and osteoporosis are symptoms of deficiency.
Leg cramps at night and sore muscles following exercise or physical activity are signs of magnesium shortage in the body.
Alcohol, carbonated beverages, chronic pain, coffee, diabetes, diuretics, excessive perspiration, high calcium diet, high sodium diet, medications, stress, sugar, tobacco, thyroid problems, a high carbohydrate diet and a high calcium diet are causes of mineral depletion and deficiencies.
Excess calcium supplementation is a widespread problem and the cause of much deficiency.
Diuretics (water pills) deplete magnesium.
High calcium and protein (meats) consumption increases.

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