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If your memory is slipping or has slipped, you had better do something about it! If there are emotional problems affecting your memory go to your minister, priest or spiritual counselor and unburden yourself. In order to fix the brain and physical part of the problem read on.
For centuries, the elephants of Ceylon (see-lon) south of India, achieved fame for their excellent memories. What do they do different from other elephants? They eat the leaves of a little water lily known as GOTA KOLA (go-to-kola). We can also use the leaves of the male and female GINKGO trees, which are known to increase the blood flow and circulation to the brain. Taken on a regular basis, these two herbs, GINKGO and GOTA KOLA, seem to do a pretty good job of bringing back the long-term memory in great detail.
The memories of past events that return may be even better in terms of details such as color, sound, touch, taste, etc. than when they happened. For the short-term memory, use the two herbs: BLADDERWRACK and CHLORELLA. BLADDERWRACK is a sea vegetable and storehouse of minerals, vitamins and valuable trace elements. You may have read that aluminum has been implicated in Alzheimer's Disease. One of BLADDERWRACK'S many abilities is to bind with the metal aluminum and usher it out of the body. Aluminum, unfortunately, is found in so many things, from baking powder to soda pop cans. It is added to many dried foods for the sole purpose of keeping them from "caking up" or sticking together. Another way aluminum enters the body is through the use of some underarm antiperspirants.
When you get the inorganic aluminum out of the body, it helps to restore the nerves, glands and brain function. Use the plant CHLORELLA to get rid of mercury and heavy metals. CHLORELLA is not a sea vegetable, but rather a part of that golden colored algae you see in summer ponds. It is a very nutritious single cell plant that looks like a tiny gold dollar under the microscope. This plant has the marvelous ability to pull poisonous heavy metals, such as mercury and lead, out of the nervous system. In this day and age, with the coal burning power plants generating electricity and in the process putting a lot of mercury into the water supply, it would be a good idea to take preventative measures.
After all, we use this water to bathe in, cook with, grow our fruits and vegetables and it also gets into the fish we eat. You may have heard that mercury is known to destroy brain functions. Bladderwrack and Chlorella are valued especially to improve short-term memory. Contrary to what you have heard, brain and nerve cells do regenerate themselves. Get the poisons out by eating right and then watch the repair take place. Keep in mind, when poisonous metals leave the nervous system, a poison antidote herb such as BLACK COHOSH should be used to counteract the feeling of agitation during the cleaning process. Also, use WORMSEED to correct and counteract the effects of many kinds of strokes which may cause memory loss. We have now joined these proven and tested herbs together to create the formula,
REMEMBER WHEN. Finally, eat right, and get the "junk food" out of the diet!
RECOMMENDED DAILY AMOUNT: One tsp. or more per meal. Persist as long as it takes to repair, regenerate and restore both the long term and short term memory. Also, for a preventative and maintenance amount: 80 drops/day.
![]() ![]() None of what is recommend in this site is to be in leu of proper medical help. We do not treat disease in any way.
We are here to educate you and give you information on the alternative processes available to you so that you can
make informed decisions and take charge of your own health issues. We do not accept any liability for the advise
and products we offer. We are required to advise you that none of the information or products offered on this site is
accepted by the AMA nor the FDA. Please be advised and always seek professional medical advise when
undertaking any suggestions in this site.
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