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![]() 4Una de Gato
4 ounce $40.00
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Is a Spanish named herb. Translated, the herb name, Una de Gato (oon-yuh-day-got-toe),
means Claw-of-Cat or, as we would say in English, CAT'S CLAW. In the remote area of
Iquitos, Peru, where Una de Gato is at home, it is very widely used and depended upon to
handle a wide variety of problems, including those of a serious nature. Una de Gato is the
bark of the jungle and highland dwelling vines of the two plant species, Unicaria
quianensis and Unicaria tometosa. These are the only two species represented throughout
South America. The curled projection, or "claw,” that the vine puts out to help it climb
into the trees, gives Una de Gato its common name, Cat's Claw. Because of the
remoteness of the area where it is at home, in North America we did not know of its long
and accepted uses until later in the 20th century. Thanks to the American researcher,
Nicole Maxwell, and her over 30 years of dedicated field research and living with and
observing the native use of these and other botanicals, we have first-hand information
based on observation and experience from the jungle areas of Peru regarding the use of
Unicaria quianensis and Unicaria tomentosa. Both are good. The preferred species she
recommends as a first choice, however, is the quianensis. (For further information see:
Press, New York, New York, 1990). Additionally, German and French sources, and users
there, have shared their enthusiastic results, and simply cannot be silenced in their
wholehearted endorsement of the tomentosa species of Una de Gato. In more enlightened
and tolerant areas of the world, such as Peru, where freedom of speech regarding herbs
and Folk Medicine is an accepted and appreciated fact, sellers of herbs must put the
traditional and accepted uses on the side of the herb package. Unlike North America,
where you are not even allowed to claim that an herb is "high fiber" or "low fat" or "low
sodium" without a scientist saying you can, and that after a very expensive and lengthy
process of proof which may cost as much as 200 million dollars to make such a
"sweeping claim.” Here is what is listed in Peru as the Traditional and accepted South
American Native Folk Medicinal uses of Una de Gato.
From all reports, this is one of the South American Indian’s very best arthritis remedies.
Although it is not scientifically accepted, people there use it to get rid of their arthritis,
including the type we call rheumatoid arthritis, where the body is actually fighting itself.
Una de Gato is also, especially, noted for its anti-viral properties, tumor dissolving
properties, its effects on cellular regeneration and cardiovascular repair. As in all jungle
areas, one of the things, which must be guarded against is infection. Una de Gato is a
potent immune system builder. This is especially important in conditions described as
rheumatoid arthritis and/or osteoarthritis, where the body is attacking itself, commonly
called autoimmune reactions. Una de Gato reestablishes the proper immune system
orientation for cells that are "true friends" and those that are the actual foes. A strong
immune system is essential to reversing the effects, and prevention, of any kind of
disease. Hence, a wide range of disorders are reported to be corrected by the use of Una
de Gato in Peru and Europe. Very well documented South American medical information
shows Una de Gato to be nearly miraculous in combating cancer, even in advanced
stages, where as much as 10% of body cells are in a state of metastasis. Because of the
shared reputation Una de Gato has earned for itself, no immune problem or cancer is
regarded, in Peru, as "incurable.”
DOSAGE: 40 drops, three times per day to maintain immunity. For dis-ease conditions
listed above, one teaspoon to one tablespoon three times per day.
NOTES: With the use of Una de Gato, as with any herb, which destroys bad cells, do use
a good bowel management program which produces two, and preferably three, easy and
complete bowel movements per day. In this manner, the wastes and poisons the body is
getting rid of, can be eliminated from the body and nausea is prevented. This allows the
body to clean itself up and to get well. (See: C.C. E.-W, Cleansing-Corrective-Extract,
Cascara Sagrada, Buckthorn). Common sense and good sense, both, demand that you
eliminate anything from the diet and the environment, which is a poison. A good place to
start, regarding what you eat, is any food with any kind of chemical additives such as:
chemical dyes, preservatives, flavor magnifiers, stabilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and the
like. Eliminate junk foods - and you do know what those are.
Scientific evidence published by French researchers in the respected journal "Planta
Medica,” 9 December 1982, titled "Alcoloides de l'Unicaria quianensis,” shows Una de
Gato to contain the compounds: Rubiaceae, Tetracyclic and Pentacyclic Oxindole
alkaloids. Biochemical analysis of the bioactive alkaloids show them to be comprised of
40% pteropodine, 50% speciophylline, 10% mitraphylline and various phytochemicals,
all of which exhibit in-vitro (in laboratory apparatus) effects of absorbing interest.
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