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![]() Licorice Root
a must to read
gives the entire
picture of adrenal
exhaustion as the
underpinings of
and licorice root
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LICORICE ROOT Glycyrrhiza glabra, L.
PROPERTIES AND USES: Specific for low blood sugar, ulcers, coughs, stress, allergies, stamina, sweetener.
COMMON NAMES: Sweetwood, Suessholz, Bois de-Reglisse-doux.
PARTS USED: Dried root.
BODILY INFLUENCES: Licorice Root is sweet, somewhere between 4 to 50 times sweeter than cane sugar without the calories and does not increase thirst. Licorice Root can be so sweet, it has a bitter taste unless diluted. It is a specific for low blood sugar symptoms. If a person is not feeling up to par and has a habit of eating white flour products or sugar products, it is safe to assume they would benefit by Licorice Root. Powdered Licorice held on the tongue and allowed to dissolve coats the throat to relieve sore throat. The Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used Licorice to combat the ravages of stress. When battle troops in the quest to conquer the world experienced stress this was their mainstay. People today also experience stress. Licorice Root is a remedy for stress, be it from interpersonal relationships, allergies, or lack of energy. Licorice Root feeds the energy and hormone manufacturing glands known as the adrenals. As such, they are able to bring the entire system into better balance and promote well being. When the need occurs for hormones, for either the male or female system, Licorice provides the building blocks for the adrenals to make these hormones. This is especially efficacious for women who have had a hysterectomy, to prevent the discomforts of hormone imbalance.
LICORICE for your adrenals is first and foremost. Most Doctors do not test the adrenals first and are warned to do so. Why? who knows, but the bottom line is first things first. Test your adrenals and more times than not your have adrenal exhaustion. Licorice is a good
natural way to bolster adrenal functions.
CONSTITUENTS: Glycosides called glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhizinic acid; saponins; flavonoids; bitter; volatile oil; coumarins; asparagine and oestrogenic substances.
Licorice is one of a group of plants that has a marked effect upon the endocrine system. The glycosides present in licorice are similar in structure to the body's natural steroids. The main active ingredient in licorice is glycyrrhizic acid, from the greek root words glukus meaning "sweet" and riza meaning "root". The root of this plant directly affects the concentrations of blood salts, namely sodium and potassium, bringing about a proper balance. Licorice also affects glucose levels making it useful for diabetics. Amino acids and fat metabolism are also affected by licorice, facilitating normal body repair and growth by maintaining a steady supply of building blocks and energy without depleting the adrenal glands. Licorice root has demonstrated substantial anti-arthritic activity with glycyrrhizinic acid providing the anti-inflammatory effects since it is related to the release of cortisone from the adrenals. Women suffering from infrequent menstruation will find that licorice root can normalize ovulations. For prevention and treatment of immune-response deficiency diseases, licorice stimulates the production of interferons thus assisting the body in stress management.
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DOSAGE: 10 to 40 drops three to four times per day under the tongue or on food as a sweetener.
Simple and very accurate Home Test
Fortunately, determining if your thyroid is underactive is one of the easiest tests you can perform. It's also practically foolproof. All you have to do is check your basal metabolic rate by taking the temperature of your body at your underarm. Here's how you do it:
1. Place an oral thermometer by your bed. Make sure to shake it down to at least 96 degrees.
2. When you wake up the next morning, immediately place the thermometer in your armpit and leave it there for 10 minutes before getting out of bed. Just relax and remain still during the test.
3. Record the temperature.
Men and premenstrual and premenopausal women can do the test any time. Women in their menstrual years get the most accurate readings on the second or third day after menstrual flow starts. A reading of anywhere between 97.2 and 98.2 degrees is considered normal (your morning temperature will be lower than your temperature later in the day, which is usually around 98.6 degrees). Temperatures outside that range generally indicate a thyroid imbalance.
Although this test is simple, it gives far better results than traditional thyroid blood tests. The only reason it's not more widely recommended is that nobody can figure a way to make money from it. Untold numbers of individuals, exhibiting so-called "normal" blood tests, have experienced quick and lasting relief from cardiovascular and other health problems by simply improving their thyroid function.
Treating Hypothyroidism
There are basically two methods of improving a hypothyroid condition. One method involves the use of supplemental thyroid hormones. These hormones can be either synthetic, such as Synthroid, or natural hormones extracted from pigs, such as Armour. Another method involves supplying the thyroid gland with all the raw materials necessary for an increase in hormone production. These raw materials include specific iodine and non-hormone glandular supplements.
I prefer the second method as long as the thyroid gland is still at least partially working. Hormones are very powerful substances that must work in conjunction with each other. Because of this fact, the body has a very sophisticated system of checks and balances to help regulate hormone levels throughout the tissues. When a hormone (such as Synthroid or Armour) is artificially introduced into the body, this delicate balance can be upset. Further, when you supply a hormone that a given gland would normally make on its own, you risk causing the gland to quit making that hormone. If that occurs, you will be forced to supplement the hormone daily for the rest of your life. On the other hand, if you can revitalize a depressed gland through the use of glandular supplements, the gland will naturally resume hormone production and you won't need indefinite treatment.
One of the most effective ways to rebalance the thyroid gland is to take a liquid iodine product called losol. Take four drops of losol in water each day for the first two weeks, and then reduce the dosage to two drops per day. (Note: Under no circumstances should you ingest antiseptic or topical iodine. losol is the only form of iodine recommend for internal usage.) You can often find losol, made by TPCS Distributors, in larger health food stores.
If the losol alone does not seem to alleviate the symptoms of hypothyroidism, take three tablets of a glandular product called Thytrophin along with just one drop of losol per day. You can often take Thytrophin in place of prescription thyroid medications. Three tablets of Thytrophin are roughly equivalent to one grain of hormone. Thytrophin is made by a highly reputable and reliable company called Standard Process Labs.
In addition to using losol and Thytrophin, make sure that you're also using a good multi-vitamin and mineral product. Doing so will ensure that you're getting important trace minerals such as selenium (200 mcg per day) and other components necessary for the production and conversion of thyroid hormones.
Estrogen-like Compound Pollution
Another factor that has generally been overlooked by the medical community is the recent introduction of estrogen-like compounds into our environment. These compounds make their way into the body through respiration, ingestion of contaminated food, and skin contact. Once in the body, they block thyroid hormone production and contribute to hypothyroidism. These compounds include such environmental pollutants as PCBs, dioxins, and pesticides such as
lindane or dieldrin.
Besides increasing the risk of estrogen-dependent cancers, these estrogen-like pollutants block the production of thyroid hormones. Unfortunately, these pollutants can now be found in both our food and drinking water supplies. This is one of the primary reasons we are seeing problems like hypothyroidism showing up in our children. This is also one of the primary reasons for the use of a distiller for drinking water. Filters simply can't remove all of these substances, and chlorine has no effect on them.
Water filters will remove other contaminants and should be used, but for drug contaminants specifically one should distill their water.
![]() ![]() None of what is recommend in this site is to be in leu of proper medical help. We do not treat disease in any way. We are here to educate you and give you information on the alternative processes available to you so that you can make informed decisions and take charge of your own health issues. We do not accept any liability for the advise and products we offer. We are required to advise you that none of the information or products offered on this site is accepted by the AMA nor the FDA. Please be advised and always seek professional medical advise when undertaking any suggestions in this site.
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