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iThe Mighty Three
Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Issues.
You will experience more emotional balance, physical energy and mental clarity.
Nourishing your adrenals so that the exhaustion is gently overcome.
For an even more complete picture,
add one ounce version of
issues are addressed. These two have a powerful influence on feeling grounded
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The Mighty Three Offer gives you
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Buy the three and save your sanity.
Buy the mighty three and see how well you feel write to us for questions and one free
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Marsha's experience was within two weeks
she has over come exhaustion and the pain
associated with Fibro/Chronic Fatigue
![]() 1MAC
Regular Price:
Your Discounted
Price: $36.75
Equi-Fem is a source of vitamins, minerals (including iron) and glandular components known to support female endocrine function. This means it is a source of B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, and so forth, in a
base of Dong Quai (**I do not recommend Dong Quai) and Black Cohosh. Equi-Fem Iron & Copper Free
is available for those where iron and copper overload are a concern.
Use Equi-Fem with symptoms of PMS, menopausal symptoms, hot flashes, and for general female
support. Use two tablets, three times a day with meals. For hot flashes, we have found that it is more
effective if you use Equi-Fem with B12
/Folate Plus at one capsule, three times a day and Black Current Seed at two capsules, three times
a day. If the hot flashes are severe, add Liquid Iodine Forte at 20 to 40 drops a day. In some cases, the amount of iodine that is in Equi-Fem is not enough to get the job done.
I don't know how many of you have ever treated hot flashes, but this problem can be a monster and very,
very, difficult to resolve in some females. Where you're not getting anywhere, you can try the therapy that
Dr. Cheraskin used (Bio-C Plus 1000), to bowel tolerance. The vitamin C therapy to bowel tolerance is not a panacea, but in many difficult cases it will provide you with the bandage you need to help stabilize this difficult problem until the correction can be determined. In some cases, Cytozyme-PT/HPT, in addition to the amount that is in Equi-Fem, will 59 help, and gamma oryzanol (Gammanol Forte with FRAC) along with B12/Folate Plus will also help with some of the difficult cases.
We have also found our soy isoflavone product, Bio-Soy Flavones to be effective with some cases of hot flashes.
Hot flashes can come from anywhere and for any number of reasons including adrenal dysfunction. Sometimes they respond to Cytozyme-AD or ADB-5 Plus, especially if the patient has symptoms of adrenal hypofunction and if adrenal hyperfunction is present, they frequently will respond to ADHS and Cytozyme-PT/HPT.
If primary thyroid hypofunction is present, GTA and Meda-Stim are often helpful with the hot flashes. Remember, the symptoms of menopause are generally self-limiting. No matter what you do, they generally get past them sooner or later. Our objective is to improve the patient's health by balancing their hormones
and in doing this, eliminate the symptoms.
If the patient is on hormonal replacement therapy, use PMT in lieu of Equi-Fem. PMT is identical to Equi-
Fem except it does not contain any animal components. The reason for this is, if the patient is on hormonal replacement therapy, the physician who prescribed the hormones could rightly accuse you of putting a wild card into the mix (glandulars) and this will be his or her excuse if the hormonal therapy does not work. I don't think I want to go into a diatribe on the issue of estrogen replacement. Suffice to say, I sincerely believe what Dr. Ber in Arizona told me a few years ago and that is "We are swimming in a sea of estrogen and most estrogen therapy is contraindicated." When you think about it, you know he is right, estrogen is everywhere in our food chain.
In my mind, there is no question that Equi-Fem is the better product. However, if the patient is on hormone replacement, or the patient is a vegetarian, use PMT at two TID in lieu of Equi-Fem.
![]() None of what is recommend in this site is to be in leu of proper medical help. We do not treat disease in any way. We are here to educate you and give you information on the alternative processes available to you so that you can make informed decisions and take charge of your own health issues. We do not accept any liability for the advise and products we offer. We are required to advise you that none of the information or products offered on this site is accepted by the AMA nor the FDA. Please be advised and always seek professional medical advise when undertaking any suggestions in this site. Policy and Disclaimers
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